
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

HELP! We need items for the poor.

Outreach Alert:

Our humble, generous friends at the Ladies of Charity need help right away! They are running out of household items they need to help the poor
They will take one item or 100's! Of course the items need to be clean and not in need of can be given a donation receipt if need be. Here is what is needed as soon as possible:

Any size sheets...they do not have to be in sets

Any size curtains/drapes


dishes ..all sizes (especially cereal bowls)


pots and pans.

actually any household items, but the above are desperately needed.

They can be dropped off at 1122 Broadway - Ladies of Charity ..8:30-3:30 Phone: 895 4001

OR to Eileen Nowak at 741 Delaware Ave.

Thanks....with your help we should be able to manage through a few weeks.

Eileen Nowak
Director Parish Outreach and Advocacy/Ladies of Charity
Catholic Charities
218-1400 ext 204