
Friday, March 8, 2013

Action alert: H.R 940 Health Care Conscience Rights

Ask Congress to Support H.R. 940,
the Health Care Conscience Rights Act!

New bill would protect religious freedom and rights of conscience
Dear Friend of Religious Liberty:

Thanks in large part to your efforts, this week, Rep. Diane Black and fifty other House members introduced a new bill called the “Health Care Conscience Rights Act,” H.R. 940, which would protect Americans’ First Amendment rights by providing a full exemption for all those whose religious beliefs run counter to the HHS mandate. The bill would also protect institutions and individuals from forced participation in abortion.
Here’s a video highlighting a few stories of people this bill would help. Also, check out Archbishop Lori and Cardinal O’Malley’s letters supporting the bill.

Can you spare a few minutes to contact your Members of Congress? Urge them to support House bill H.R. 940 and help ensure its enactment as part of “must-pass” legislation. Members of the House should also be asked to co-sponsor the bill. Call using the "Take Action" link or click here to email your two Senators and Representative!

Join with us in calling on Congress to protect the right of all people and groups to participate in life-affirming health care—without violating their consciences.

Please contact your Congressional representatives today and urge them to support H.R. 940 to protect religious freedom and the moral convictions of all!

For more information or to join the postcard campaign, go to NCHLA’s action alert.

Thank you for all that you do in support of life and liberty!
-Your Religious Freedom and Conscience Protection Team

P.S. Please forward this to friends and family who share your concern to protect the rights of all to participate in health care! They can click here to sign up for our email list or text the word FREEDOM to 377377 for mobile updates.