
Friday, March 18, 2011

Pastor's Sabbatical -2nd Posting - Rome

March 18 2011 Friday Rome (18 Marzo 2001 Venerdi Roma)

I am sorry it has been so long since my last blog. As most of you know a lot has happened since the last post. My deepest appreciation for all the kindness, thoughts and prayers shown to me and my family at the death of our mother Angeline. She was a great lady who gave us a great life, many memorizes and laughter. I know that is something my siblings and I will not forget!

I am back to Rome and the sabbatical program which has been going very quickly with some great classes and interesting tours of churches and museums.

One of the things that goes on in Rome during let is the visiting the Station Churches during the days of Lent. The English speaking community has mass at 7am at the churches. It is a custom to walk to these churches which are some of the more ancient churches of Rome. I should probably explain the station churches has nothing to do with the stations of the cross that some people might be thinking of, but the station churches is a tradition of visiting churches that were the Titular churches, some of the earliest churches of Rome and have been places that people have gathered to worship for centuries. It is a great way of starting the day and to enter into the Lenten season. By the way, the custom is also to walk to the churches which are all over Rome which means walking some time short distances but often times a longer distance. Sometime we leave the school at 6am to make it there for the start of mass at 7am. It does get your heart going and the blood flowing moving at that hour. Today we left about 6:15 and arrived in plenty of time. This morning it was not raining and a little warmer, which was nice. We always have interesting conversations about the church that we visit and about what is going on for the day. Today's church was the 12 Apostle Church not too far from the Trevi Fountain. On the way back we stop usually for cappuccino and a cornetto.

I will try to write more soon and explain some of the other things I have seen and done. I remember all of you at my masses and prayers please each day. Please remember me in yours.

Fr Joe Porpiglia

this Sabbatical Blog post -
first Sabbatical Blog post -
third Sabbatical Blog post -
fourth Sabbatical Blog post -
fifth Sabbatical Blog post -