
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Faith - A Parishioner's Reflection

Just Faith - A Parishioner's Reflection
Almost two years ago now, my husband and I noticed an invitation in the weekly bulletin regarding a course called “Just Faith”. The program was described as a journey for those who are interested in becoming more involved with the Church, but not sure what direction they were being led.

My husband and I were trying to determine what kind of ministry to become a part of, so we thought this course might be just what we needed to help us decide. Other than that we had no idea what we were in for.

We started the classes that met weekly with 16 other people who were seeking an avenue to serve the Church. We were informed that the course was going to be an intense look at different issues in social justice that the Church had real and specific teachings on. Topics such as, Poverty, Dignity in labor, Prejudice, Peace, Health Care and the Environment were a few. So, not sure but curious, we signed up and made the commitment to participate.

The books we read and the teachings of the Church we studied made me, who grew up in the Catholic school system, painfully aware of how little I really knew about my Church and my faith. The realities that people in our own community deal with on a daily basis moved me to tears on more than one occasion, and I became more and more proud of the Catholic Church and her teachings regarding each issue. Our Bishops have lead the way in outlining for us what we need to do to help change our communities and in turn our country and world.

However, the most important thing was how I as a member of the Church, was awakening to the truth that I am the Church and not one of the teachings of the Catholic Church can come to fruition without my joining in the efforts. As Deacon Bill so often reminds us “you are the Church”.

So now when I hear, “What is the church doing for …?” I ask myself, ok church, what are you doing? I know I can’t be active in each issue, so I am still discerning what God wants me to do. In the meanwhile, I volunteer for what I can and pray that I’ll soon discover where God wants me.

“Just Faith” was the catalyst to get me going. If the opportunity comes again I would encourage anyone to take the course. If not, just ask yourself,”Ok church, what are you doing?”

Debbie Cuddihy
Parishioner of St. Benedict's
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