
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Legion of Mary - St. Benedict's

Dedicated to Our Lady & to One Another

The Legion of Mary is a Catholic organization made up of both men and women who offer their services to the Pastor on performing spiritual works. The Legion was originally formed under the banner of Mary Immaculate Mediatrix of all Graces to develop greater holiness in their own lives and among others. To imitate her virtues as well as the performance of apostolic works prescribed by the Legion, members regularly participate in the recitation of the rosary, visit the sick and infirm, distribute Catholic literature, help with RCIA, minister to those who are incarcerated, and work with those who are estranged from the Church. They do this, as they seek to spread devotion to Mary and the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home. As Marie Lillian, member of the Legion says, "All these things are intended to lead us closer to the Lord and a place in heaven."

The Legion offers both Active and Auxiliary memberships. Active members meet once a week, perform two hours of apostolic work that week as prescribed by the Legion, and perform daily recitation of Catena (Legion Prayer). Auxiliary members are required to pray the rosary daily as well as the Legion prayers found in the Tessera leaflet. Meetings of the Legion of Mary are held each Saturday at 9:00 am in the School's faculty lunch room. If you are interested in becoming a member contact the rectory at 834-1041 or email for more information.
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