
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ladies of Charity - St. Benedict's

Making a Difference in the Lives of Many

Ladies of Charity is an international ministry of service to the needy and membership is open to all women in the Diocese of Buffalo. In Western New York, major programs including those for emergency clothing and household goods; layettes; Christmas gift packages for children and adults; reading enrichment for children; and a thrift store, are organized through the Diocesan Ladies of Charity Center in Buffalo.

Currently there are about 75 members at St Benedict's and the programs they administer are supported in a variety of ways. For example, one group of ladies may work at a thrift store one day a month, while other members may go to day care centers and similar sites to read and talk with the children. Other events include preparation of Christmas packages for the needy, winter coat collections, and Parish-wide collections for paper-products and other essentials. If you are interested in learning more about Ladies of Charity, call the rectory at 834-1041 or email

For more information on the Ladies of Charity, visit their national website -
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