
Friday, June 18, 2010

Windows of St. Benedict's, Part III

St. Scholastica (sister of St. Benedict)
sacristy window, detail

St. Dominic (with Rosary) & St. Augustine (with book/crozier)
chancel window
St. Paul (with sword) & St. Peter (with keys)
chancel window

St. Vincent de Paul with child
transept window

St. Patrick
transept window

St. John the Baptist with Jesus
sacristy window

St. Francis Xavier, priest & missionary
transept window

St. Scholastica (sister of St. Benedict)
St. John Baptist de La Salle (patron of teachers)
St. Columban (missionary to Ireland)
sacristy window

St. Mark
choir window

St. John
choir window

St. Matthew
choir window

St. Luke
choir window

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