
Friday, June 25, 2010

Evangelization Meeting this Wednesday

Parish Evangelization Group meeting Wednesday
(28 June) at 7PM in the Tobin Room. 

Use the Eggert Road parking lot, door #5, and we're upstairs to the right.  Everyone is invited.

After prayer, Lorie and Dick Duquin will be speaking for most of the meeting. They will provide use with background on evangelization today.  Trends, new approaches, challenges, updates on parish projects and best practices will be covered in their presentation.  Dick is our parish Business Manager, of course, and his wife Lorene is an established author.  She has published many books and informational pamphlets.  Lorie writes frequently for Our Sunday Visitor, including many works on evangelization and conversion. We are truly blessed to have them both with us and willing to share their insights.

Make it a point to be with us Wednesday at 7PM.  Please share this invite with everyone on your contact list who might be interested in helping St. Benedict's grow.