
Monday, August 31, 2015

Pope Francis Visit to USA 2015 WNY media coverage

Papal Visit 2015

Click for a link to the schedule of Pope Francis' 2015 Apostolic Journey to the United States of America.

Time Warner Cable News will provide complete coverage of the Pope's visit to the U.S. on various media platforms. 

Channel 199 will air non-stop papal coverage, including daily recap shows and national call-in shows from September 20 through September 27th.

Channel 1020 has begun on-demand coverage, including pre-visit preparations, documentaries and previous papal visit programming, and will continue through November 30th. 

The cable outlet will feature coverage with a local perspective on their news channel as well as a special papal visit section on their TWC news app. 

Visit, beginning September 1st for a video chronicle of the Pope's visit.