
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Confirmation Program UPDATE 2014

Confirmation Program Returns to St. Benedict
Last year we collaborated with St. Leo’s to prepare candidates for the sacrament of Confirmation.  However now that we are renewing our efforts to strengthen and build Youth Ministry we will be returning the Confirmation program to St. Benedict Parish.  Our sacramental preparation program is for one year for students in the 10th grade. 
St. Leo’s Confirmation program runs two years.  While all students are most welcome to return, we understand if some students who began their preparation at St. Leo’s might wish to remain there to finish their program.
Dates and details of the 2014-2015 Confirmation Sacramental Program at St. Benedict will be sent out and posted online within the next few weeks.  If you have any questions please contact Matt Smith at the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation at 836-6444 or email him at