
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Parish Health Survey Results

Parish Faith and Health Survey


The 3 top concerns noted in the Parish Faith Health done at the end of March were:

                 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

We plan to schedule talks and support groups for these topics in the coming months.

So watch this site and the church bulletin for dates and times.

The Nurses of St Benedict's would like to thank all who completed and returned the Parish Faith/Health Survey. If you or a family member has a health need or question please call the rectory: 834-1041 and a nurse will return your call.

Faith Community Nurses
of St. Benedict’s Parish

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Confirmation Program UPDATE 2014

Confirmation Program Returns to St. Benedict
Last year we collaborated with St. Leo’s to prepare candidates for the sacrament of Confirmation.  However now that we are renewing our efforts to strengthen and build Youth Ministry we will be returning the Confirmation program to St. Benedict Parish.  Our sacramental preparation program is for one year for students in the 10th grade. 
St. Leo’s Confirmation program runs two years.  While all students are most welcome to return, we understand if some students who began their preparation at St. Leo’s might wish to remain there to finish their program.
Dates and details of the 2014-2015 Confirmation Sacramental Program at St. Benedict will be sent out and posted online within the next few weeks.  If you have any questions please contact Matt Smith at the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation at 836-6444 or email him at

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dorothy Day video Thurs 12 June at 7pm

Dorothy Day:

You are cordially invited to view a documentary on the life of Dorothy Day. “Don’t Call Me A Saint.”  is an hour long film, which is free and open to the public.  We will  follow it with a discussion.  Please join us!

Thursday, June 12th, at 7 PM
Office of Lifelong Faith Formation
Saint Benedict Parish

     Has anyone ever complemented you in order to get out of doing work themselves?  Dorothy Day believed that all Christians are called to service and holiness.  Once, when someone called her a saint she quipped, “Don’t call me a saint, I don’t want to be dismissed that easily.”  Well that witty remark has not stopped other people from saying she should be called a saint! 

     “At their 2012 annual meeting, the Catholic bishops of the United States unanimously recommended the canonization of Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement.  By then the Vatican had already given her the title “Servant of God,” the first step in formally recognizing Dorothy Day as a saint. On Ash Wednesday, 2013, preaching in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of Dorothy Day as a model of conversion.  While awareness of her remarkable life has been growing steadily, she is at present still not widely known.
(Servant of God Dorothy Day, by Jim Forest, The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History).

For more information email Matt Smith at or call 836-6444.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Vacation Bible School 2014

It is hard to believe that 
Vacation Bible School
is next month!!!

July 7-11, 2014

The deadline to register is 
Wednesday, June 18th 
contact today.

If you would like to help plan our VBS,
we will be having four brief organizational
meetings on the Sundays prior to VBS,
starting this Sunday (we'll skip Father's Day)
at 9:10 AM, in the Office of Lifelong
Faith Formation (following the 8am mass
and before the 10:00 AM mass).
We will have coffee and Paula's Donuts!