
Friday, December 6, 2013

Respect Life events coming up!

Respect Life news!

There is a lot happening in the coming weeks.  Please take a moment to read this and renew your commitment to protecting innocent human life from conception to natural death!   We deeply encourage your participation in these events.

·         March for Life – Hotel deadline is December 13, please make your reservations on time in order to get the low rate
o   Guest Speaker - Reverend William Scott Daniels, O.P.
o   Bus reservation deadline is January 4, 2014 (indicate bus# and pick up location)
o   Youth Groups – view our website for waivers, permission forms

·         Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – 11:00 am Mass celebrated by Bishop Malone @ St. Anthony Parish, 306 Ingham Ave., Lackawanna 

·         National Night of Prayer – Various parishes will participate in this endeavor from 9:00 pm on December 8th to 1:00 am December 9th (with the exceptions noted by *.)  View our website for the list of parishes

·         40 Days for Life - will be hosting a one hour peaceful and prayerful vigil in front of Buffalo Women services, 2500 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. 14214 from 10:00am-11:00am on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2013. All are invited to attend as we pray to end abortion and encourage adoption! Peter Adornetto, Director 2013

·         Special Blessing of the Child in the Womb at Masses Saturday, December 21 and Sunday, December 22 - St. Christopher Parish, 2660 Niagara Falls Blvd., Tonawanda, NY.  The Gospel reading for Sunday, December 22 is of the Annunciation of Jesus' impending birth foretold by Gabriel to Mary, so it is very appropriate for us to bless all unborn children that day. We invite all who are pregnant, parishioner or not, to join us that day along with their families for this very special blessing! For more information contact the parish at (716) 692-2660.

·         Roe v Wade Observance Mass – Saturday, January 18, 2014 @ 4:30 pm – Blessed John Paul II Parish, 2052 Lakeview Road, Lake View, NY 14085
·         Save the Date – St. Gianna Banquet – Wednesday, February 12, 2014 @ Classics V – 6:00 pm

Please continue to regularly check our website for updated Alerts, Events & News