
Friday, June 7, 2013

Gov. Cuomo - expanding abortion in NYS

June 8-9, 2013
My dear diocesan family,

            In New York State, where one in every three pregnancies ends in abortion, it’s clear that we, as a state, have lost sight of these most vulnerable babies.

            Governor Andrew Cuomo has introduced a Women’s Rights Bill.  The Catholic Church supports nine out of ten points in this bill. However, one of the points contains  language that would ease restrictions in state law on late-term abortion and runs the risk of broadly expanding abortion access at all stages of pregnancy,  including any child who is not “viable “as viability is defined by the abortionist. It also allows the State Health Department to decide who may perform abortions, which does not limit it to health care professionals.

            This legislation would add a broad and undefined “health” exception for late-term abortion.  It would repeal the portion of the penal law that governs abortion policy such as the criminal prosecution of a person who tries to directly cause the death of an unborn child, as found in cases of domestic violence against pregnant women. This lack of clarity also means that medical and non- medical institutions, such as Catholic Schools and charities, could be compelled by state regulators to counsel or refer people for abortion, or risk losing state contracts and licenses that are necessary for them to continue to operate.  

            The position of the Catholic Church through every age is clear:  Life is sacred. Our focus is to enhance and promote the life and dignity of all human beings from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

            Please join me and all the bishops of New York in fully opposing this radical measure. Let’s stand together with the leaders in Albany who share our conviction that we have no need for such a bill to become law.  We must defeat this serious attempt to expand abortion. We need to respect women and protect the child in the womb.

            New Yorkers need to stand together with the leadership in Albany who share our conviction.  We cannot stand idle.  We must protect our children.  We must act now!

            Please contact the Governor and your state legislators today, and tell them not to expand abortion in New York.  You can send your message through the Catholic Action Network website:  N Y S Catholic dot org

            Thank you.

                                                                                    Yours sincerely in Christ,
                                                                                    Most Reverend Richard J. Malone 
                                                                                    Bishop of Buffalo                             
