
Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 simple Summery things to do!

As the summer vacation season begins, many people make a big mistake.  They take a vacation from Jesus!

Let's have a different type of summer this year.  Let's realize that this is a great time to grow in our faith and to share it. 

Here are five simple Summery things you can do:

1. Feed your faith first.  Discover a nearby summer parish while on vacation and worship there on Sundays with your new vacation community.  After all, we are called "catholic" (which means "universal" in Greek) because we are everywhere. In particular, pray for the poor and those who will never have a vacation from their labor. Use your vacation to "give back" a bit - volunteer, or give a summer offering to Catholic Relief Services or Catholic Charities, for example.

2. Sign up for tweets from Pope Francis @pontifex.  Read what he has to say each day on your smartphone. Retweet him now and again.  Also, check out his daily homilies at  They are short and to the point.  Please let your family and friends know about these tidbits of papal wisdom.

3. Use your summer vacation to write little notes to your children and grandchildren about how much you love them!  Include a few sentences about how much you pray for them (you do, right?).  Let them know why your Catholic Faith has been so important to you through the years. And don't forget to always begin your writings (emails too!) with JMJ - Jesus, Mary and Joseph - or AMDG - Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam - for the greater glory of God - or some other phrase showing that God is first in your life.

4. Are you "connected" to the internet on vacation?  if so, maybe "disconnect" for a few days.  Chances are good that you will feel more peaceful and more attuned to the beauty around you.  Tell your internet friends the results when you "reconnect."  Give God online credit for these gifts when you reconnect.  After all, God is the maker of all good things - it is His peace and beauty you are rediscovering on vacation! 

5. Show your faith.  Wear your beautiful cross necklace.  Pray the rosary in your Adirondack chair.  Get that religious tattoo you've thought about for years - a cross, the Holy Face of Jesus, Our Lady of Guadalupe, etc. (assuming you're over 18!). Read the Bible in your cottage.  Make a summer commitment to daily morning (lauds) or evening (vespers) prayer with the Church. Read at least one religious book. When people ask you about these things, mention how much your faith means to you.  Be willing to follow up with them or refer them to someone who can answer their questions.

In a previous blog post we gave a great prayer  to say often during summer - (the Benedicite from the Book of Daniel).

Have a truly blessed summer!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Action Alert S.5881 Gov. Cuomo abortion expansion

UPDATE!!!  Good News....

Tell Your Senator to Reject Abortion Expansion!
Governor Cuomo has now broken apart his "Women's Equality Agenda" into 10 separate parts. The abortion expansion part is S.5881 sponsored by Senator Diane Savino. Tell your Senator to reject S.5881. There is no need to further expand abortion in the abortion capital of the nation. You can send a message simply by clicking on this link. Thank you!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Political sleight of hand NYS Abortion Expansion 2013

The New York State Catholic Conference issued the following statement on June 13, 2013.  Bishop Malone has asked that you please share this important message.  Thank you.
Playing the Partial Birth Abortion Card
Abortion industry lobbyists today announced that Gov. Cuomo’s abortion bill would be modified to include language related to partial-birth abortion. We believe such a change is intended to divert legislators’ attention from the real issues related to this bill, namely that it would expand late-term abortion for virtually any reason and would clear the way for the Department of Health to permit non-doctors to perform abortions.
The forthcoming amendment is likely to say something to the effect that nothing in the language of the bill conflicts with the federal partial-birth abortion ban, although it will most assuredly not enshrine such a ban in state law, which is ironic since the stated purpose of the abortion bill is to enshrine federal abortion policy into state law.
Let us be clear: Abortion expansion in New York is not about partial-birth abortion. Partial-birth abortion, or D&X, is one method of abortion used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, in which a baby is partially delivered before being killed via a surgical scissors to the base of the skull. It is currently banned under federal law. An amendment to the governor’s bill saying that the federal ban would not be affected is legally redundant and pointless, and would not affect the most common and prevailing method of late-term abortion, known as D&E, which is equally brutal and inhumane. In that method, a baby is killed and dismembered while still in her mother’s womb, before being vacuumed out.
The Catholic Bishops and the pro-life community object in the strongest terms to any expansion of late-term abortion, regardless of the procedure used. It cannot be said enough that New York is the abortion capital of the country, with one in three pregnancies ending in abortion. We do not need more abortion here.
No legislator should be fooled by further attempts to obfuscate this issue in an effort to pass a bill desperately sought by the abortion industry for its own ideological and financial gain.
The Catholic Conference represents New York State’s Bishops in matters of public policy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Gov. Cuomo - expanding abortion in NYS

June 8-9, 2013
My dear diocesan family,

            In New York State, where one in every three pregnancies ends in abortion, it’s clear that we, as a state, have lost sight of these most vulnerable babies.

            Governor Andrew Cuomo has introduced a Women’s Rights Bill.  The Catholic Church supports nine out of ten points in this bill. However, one of the points contains  language that would ease restrictions in state law on late-term abortion and runs the risk of broadly expanding abortion access at all stages of pregnancy,  including any child who is not “viable “as viability is defined by the abortionist. It also allows the State Health Department to decide who may perform abortions, which does not limit it to health care professionals.

            This legislation would add a broad and undefined “health” exception for late-term abortion.  It would repeal the portion of the penal law that governs abortion policy such as the criminal prosecution of a person who tries to directly cause the death of an unborn child, as found in cases of domestic violence against pregnant women. This lack of clarity also means that medical and non- medical institutions, such as Catholic Schools and charities, could be compelled by state regulators to counsel or refer people for abortion, or risk losing state contracts and licenses that are necessary for them to continue to operate.  

            The position of the Catholic Church through every age is clear:  Life is sacred. Our focus is to enhance and promote the life and dignity of all human beings from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

            Please join me and all the bishops of New York in fully opposing this radical measure. Let’s stand together with the leaders in Albany who share our conviction that we have no need for such a bill to become law.  We must defeat this serious attempt to expand abortion. We need to respect women and protect the child in the womb.

            New Yorkers need to stand together with the leadership in Albany who share our conviction.  We cannot stand idle.  We must protect our children.  We must act now!

            Please contact the Governor and your state legislators today, and tell them not to expand abortion in New York.  You can send your message through the Catholic Action Network website:  N Y S Catholic dot org

            Thank you.

                                                                                    Yours sincerely in Christ,
                                                                                    Most Reverend Richard J. Malone 
                                                                                    Bishop of Buffalo                             


Monday, June 3, 2013

Boy Scouts of America - Bishop Malone statement

Statement of Bishop Richard J. Malone [regarding Boy Scouts of America]
June 1, 2013

The recent decision by the Boy Scouts of America to remove a national restriction to allow gay youths as members for the first time in the organization’s history will not impact the Diocese of Buffalo’s support of Boy Scout units. Catholic churches, Catholic schools and Knights of Columbus, Knights of St. John and Holy Name Society chapters proudly support Boy Scout units in Western New York.
Through these affiliations, nearly 3,000 young people are guided by 1,250 adults in activities that develop self-confidence, leadership skills and moral fiber. Strength of character is a quality celebrated by the Church, which does not support unjust discrimination.
In light of the removal of this national restriction, it is our expectation that Boy Scouts units supported by Catholic organizations will allow individuals with same-sex orientations to participate as members in the packs and troops.
As always, Boy Scouts units affiliated with Catholic Church organizations are expected to be faithful to and uphold Catholic teaching. Inherent in that is chastity, to which all Catholics are called. Sexual expression outside of marriage is contrary to the virtue of chastity. Employees and volunteers representing Catholic organizations are expected to uphold that teaching, while carrying themselves with high ethical standards that promote a deep appreciation for service to others in their communities.