
Thursday, May 23, 2013

NYS Action Alert - abortion expansion

Act Now to Stop Abortion Expansion!
We are coming to the last four weeks of the legislative session and the head of the largest pro-abortion advocacy group, NARAL, has confirmed that Gov. Andrew Cuomo is very close to introducing his bill to expand abortion, especially late-term abortion in New York State.

While the governor has not yet allowed the public to see the language of his bill, if it is similar to a bill he endorsed in January, it would allow more late-term abortions and permit them at storefront clinics. It would also allow non-doctors to perform surgical abortions and would forbid any commonsense regulations, like parental notification for minors.

Now is the time to act. Even if you already have sent a message to your elected officials, please do so again immediately, and share the alert at the link below with your friends through email, Facebook and Twitter. Let the Governor and your state lawmakers know that, no matter how it is packaged, you oppose more abortions in New York, the abortion capital of the nation, where one out of every three pregnances is terminated.

Send a message to them now by clicking the link below and sending the pre-written, fully editable email. If you use social networking, please also take a moment to click the Facebook and Twitter links below and follow us there to get the very latest news.