
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

BishopS coming to St. Ben's

That's right!  in the next few weeks, St. Benedict Parish will be visited by TWO bishops for separate liturgies.  If you have not participated in a liturgy with a bishop in some time, now is your chance.  We welcome Bishop Malone and Bishop Grosz and are honored to have them with us.

Bishop Richard J. Malone will be at St. Benedict's on Sunday 28 April at the 10am Mass to officially install Fr. Robert Mock as our pastor.  There will be a reception for Bishop Malone afterwards in our cafeteria.  Please come and meet the new Ordinary of the Diocese of Buffalo. This is his first visit to our parish. In March of 2000, he was ordained Titular Bishop of Aptuca and appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, South Region. Bishop Malone was installed as the 11th bishop of Portland, Maine, March 31, 2004. On May 29, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Malone 14th bishop of Buffalo. On Aug. 10, 2012, he was installed as 14th bishop of Buffalo at St. Joseph Cathedral. On the same day, he became apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Portland. For more information about Bishop Malone click his photo.

Bishop Edward M. Grosz will be at St. Benedict's on Tuesday 30 April at 7pm for the celebration of Confirmation.  Everyone is welcome to this liturgy. Confirmations with Bishop Grosz are always joyous events and full of the Spirit.  Please join us if you can.  Bishop Grosz, a Buffalo native, was appointed auxiliary bishop of Buffalo and titular bishop of Morosbisdo by Pope John Paul II on November 22, 1989. He was ordained a bishop and installed to these positions on February 2, 1990.  For more information about Bishop Grosz click his photo.