
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

May Crowning 2013


The annual St. Benedict Parish May Crowning will take place at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 5th.
The Rosary Altar Society will join our parish’s new third grade First Communicants, along with the eighth grade students in the ceremony to honor our Blessed Virgin Mother.
All families in the parish are welcome and encouraged to join the processions into church as we celebrate this beautiful event.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

9th and 10th Graders - Christian Leadership


For some years our Diocese has had a summer gathering for our young people. This experience equips them for ministry with their peers, offers practical skills, and develops leadership potential. It also offers an opportunity to meet other young people from all over our diocese.

Our parish will sponsor, and underwrite the cost, for ten (10) ninth and tenth grade students for the Christian Leadership Institute which will be held at the Saint Columban Renewal Center on the Lake Shore in Derby from Sunday, June 23—Saturday, June 29.

Father Mock and Mr. Matt Smith, our Director of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation, will be sending letters of invitation to each of these students. Since space is limited to ten, please let us know of your desire to attend as soon as possible. Registrations need to be completed by the middle of May.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


We are having a Parish Planning Session on Sunday April 21 at 2pm followed by a special Mass at 4pm and dinner at 5pm.  All Parishioners are invited.  Please do everything you can to be with us for this very important day.

The general list of topics the Pastoral Council has developed are these:

Liturgy-music, homilies, times of Masses and types of Liturgy

Youth-Spiritual (Faith Formation), service, social

Parish Life/Community-Parish ministries, outreach and social aspects of parish community and increasing membership

School/Parish-The relationship between the two, how to improve interaction, communication, involvement and support

Finance-Financial health of Parish, capital projects, increased offertory

Everyone is welcome to attend this, but we will need a count for the dinner, which will be Chicken Parmesan. Please call the Rectory during regular business hours (9am-4pm), or send us an email at to let us know you will be attending with the number joining us for dinner.

For families who want to attend, but whose children may be too young to participate in the discussions, we will have a few of our high school students available for child care from about 1:45 pm to 3:45 pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend Mass and share in the dinner. I sincerely hope you will be able to join us for this day. If you are unable, you may email the parish at with your comments or concerns.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

BishopS coming to St. Ben's

That's right!  in the next few weeks, St. Benedict Parish will be visited by TWO bishops for separate liturgies.  If you have not participated in a liturgy with a bishop in some time, now is your chance.  We welcome Bishop Malone and Bishop Grosz and are honored to have them with us.

Bishop Richard J. Malone will be at St. Benedict's on Sunday 28 April at the 10am Mass to officially install Fr. Robert Mock as our pastor.  There will be a reception for Bishop Malone afterwards in our cafeteria.  Please come and meet the new Ordinary of the Diocese of Buffalo. This is his first visit to our parish. In March of 2000, he was ordained Titular Bishop of Aptuca and appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, South Region. Bishop Malone was installed as the 11th bishop of Portland, Maine, March 31, 2004. On May 29, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Malone 14th bishop of Buffalo. On Aug. 10, 2012, he was installed as 14th bishop of Buffalo at St. Joseph Cathedral. On the same day, he became apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Portland. For more information about Bishop Malone click his photo.

Bishop Edward M. Grosz will be at St. Benedict's on Tuesday 30 April at 7pm for the celebration of Confirmation.  Everyone is welcome to this liturgy. Confirmations with Bishop Grosz are always joyous events and full of the Spirit.  Please join us if you can.  Bishop Grosz, a Buffalo native, was appointed auxiliary bishop of Buffalo and titular bishop of Morosbisdo by Pope John Paul II on November 22, 1989. He was ordained a bishop and installed to these positions on February 2, 1990.  For more information about Bishop Grosz click his photo.