
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Teaching Mass - 18 March 2013

Have you ever been afraid to ask a question that might seem too simple?
Why do they hold that book in the air? 
Why do the priest and the deacon kiss the altar?

Why do they move those candles around? 
Why do we kneel, sit and stand at different times?
Everyone has at least one question about the mass!
Do you go week after week, but still feel like you still really don't "get it”?

Do you ever “tune out” or feel bored at mass?
Learning about the ritual of the mass will help make it
more meaningful and engaging!
Would you like to have a deeper understanding of your faith?
Lent is here!  This is the Year of Faith!  Don’t be afraid to go deep!
Please join us for a
Monday, March 18th, 2013
at 6:45 p.m.
St. Benedict Church
3980 Main Street
Eggertsville, New York 14226
Everything from what the priest wears and does,
to the words he and the deacon say
and the postures we assume will be explored on this special evening 
as Fr. Mock and Deacon Bill share wisdom and
insights about this ancient form of worship which is so central to our faith. 
Be sure to invite non-practicing Catholics
as well as non-Catholic friends and relatives.
All are welcome!
For more information, contact Matt Smith at
or call the St. Benedict Office of Life Long Faith Formation at (716) 836-6444.