
Monday, January 21, 2013

St. Joseph's Table 10 March 2013

Good afternoon! Sunday, March 10th, will be the return of the Annual St. Joseph's Table at St. Benedict's! This is a longstanding tradition in our parish and is one of the major fundraisers for our St. Vincent de Paul Conference (assisting those in need in our community). Please see below for details and ways in which we can use your help!

#1. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is sponsoring a St. Joseph's Table on Sunday, March 10th at 1:00 PM at St. Benedict's Church (in the cafeteria). There will only be one seating. Tickets are $20/adults and $5/child (12 and under). Advance reservations can be made by emailing Kathy Michalski at Tickets will also be on sale after all masses beginning in February. Please contact the rectory for more information. PLEASE NOTE: PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS EARLY SINCE ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER WILL BE AVAILABLE AND WE HAVE SOLD OUT THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS!

#2. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE ST. JOSEPH'S TABLE ON MARCH 10TH!: Please contact Agnes Smith (@ or contact Agnes @ 832-2086 if you are able to help with set up, serving, and/or clean up. **

** NOTE: This will count for service hours for our religious ed students--you must be a Freshman in High School (or older) to volunteer.

#3. BASKETS NEEDED FOR THE ST. JOSEPH'S TABLE: Back by popular demand will be our basket raffle at the St. Joseph's Table! Please contact Megan Andrews @ if you would like to donate a basket! Advance raffle tickets will be available for sale prior to the Table. More details to come!