
Friday, August 31, 2012

Parent Volunteer Opportunities 2012

Parent Services Form
Confirmation Program 2012-2013
St. Benedict Parish

 ust as we expect our teens to become more involved in service during their confirmation year, we also must seek the support from you the parents.  Please select the way(s) you would be willing to help.

Assisting with Sunday Confirmation sessions.  We will be teaching in teams and sharing our faith in our group setting.  Faith sharing discussions which, include adults who practiced their faith for many years, offers great insight and depth to our conversations.

Organize and schedule families to contribute food and drink for the Sunday morning sessions.  Plan and organize food and drink contributions for the Retreat meals and snacks.

Will provide food for Sunday morning session and the Retreat.

Develop and execute a plan to have the church community pray for each candidate individually.


Parent/Guardian Name(s):__________________________________________________________


Phone: _________________________ Email: ______________________________

Committee(s) on which I (we) will serve:

___  Catechist

___  Food Committee

___ Food Provider

___ Prayer Committee

Thank You!