
Friday, May 18, 2012

Garden Project - please help!

Parish Garden Project

The circle of weeds and young trees in the center of the garden behind the Catholic Charities Building once held a statue of Mary and flowers.

We hope to make this a beautiful place once again for our parish to work, pray and play together.

We are moving forward with "reinstating the garden" project
and we invite all of you to be a part of it!

Please join us this Saturday,
May 19th starting at 9:30 am.

We asked you to pray for a nice day... and it worked!
They say it will be beautiful...
I guess we should have asked you to pray for world peace :)

We will work together to restore the gardens for a few hours and then we will party.

Please bring our own garden gloves, sun screen, and garden tools.

We will plan a cookout at noon and we invite you to please join us and bring a dish to pass.

Please RSVP Matt Smith via email your attendance and the number in your family who will be attending.

We will be preparing the land to grow vegetables for the poor. See the link below for more details.

St. Benedict's Blog: Harvesting Love - Isidore's Garden

Please feel free to stop by even if you can't stay for the whole morning.
Hope to see you there!

Let's come together and grow a beautiful garden in faith and hope
so we might and harvest a community of peace, justice and love.