
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Thursday Thanks 2012

This evening's liturgy was an amazing experience. There was a record number of parishioners and guests actively participating.

Thank you all for taking your holy Catholic faith seriously. It struck me tonight how truly catholic, yes catholic with a small "c," our liturgies are. The variety of liturgical roles reflects our gifts and talents as a community of faith. That is what is supposed to happen as Church!

So let's get specific with our thanks...

Thanks be to God for calling us together tonight and for sending His Son in history and in the Eucharist!

Our special thanks to those who served in various roles tonight.

Thanks to all who joined us in prayer, in song, and in adoration tonight. You are truly what we celebrated tonight - the Body of Christ!

Thanks also to our four priests, led tonight by Msgr. Fran who often speaks of his special love for this day in the liturgical calendar.

Ruth Scheda did her usual excellent job as our lector. Ruth is recuperating well from her recent injuries and she is back serving our parish as if nothing happened. Thanks Ruth!

Glenn and our choir added to tonight's solemnity with beautiful music. They selected a great mix of new and old favorites. Diane Battaglia was our inspiring and talented cantor and psalmist tonight. She always helps us pray well through song because her love for Christ is contagious.

Our thanks to the ushers who had many extra duties tonight coordinating the foot washers and hand washing all this in addition to their usual duties.

Thanks to Ben and Jesse, tonight's acolytes. They did a marvelous job with the incense, the procession and foot washing. Ben was one of the brave souls who had their feet washed tonight. Thanks to all of you!

Also a word of thanks to the RCIA Elect who processed in with us and presented the sacred oils to the congregation. All three of them- Stacy, Jason and Maria- will be baptized at the Easter Vigil this Saturday.

Thank you all for making this the best Holy Thursday at St. Benedict's ever!