
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make KONY Famous - Catholics CRS

Uganda gone viral
Anyone with a Twitter stream, Facebook account or familiar with YouTube has probably seen the viral video "Make KONY Famous." In short, it is a plea to stop sex trafficking in Uganda and to hold those responsible accountable in a court of law.

This is an admirable thing to do. More power to the internet for shedding light on the horrors that go on in this part of the world.

Many people, however, may not be familiar with the quiet work that Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Caritas have been doing in Uganda since 1965. As Catholics, we can be proud of the commitment CRS has made to fight AIDS, malnutrition, corruption and the ravages of war. Ours is a deep, long-standing, on the ground, effort to be the "hands of Christ" in Uganda. Here is CRS's official "take" on the KONY phenomenon

Uganda is about 42% Catholic (the USA is about 25% Catholic). As with all Catholic charities, Ugandans are served by CRS and Caritas without regard to religious affiliation. The Ugandan Martyrs, portrayed in the icon to the right, were killed between 1885 and 1887.  Their Feast Day in June 3rd.

Explore some of CRS's activity in Uganda by visiting their Uganda page and thank you for being generous to the Church in Africa.