
Saturday, March 3, 2012

HHS news - parish website

We encourage all our readers to visit our homepage - - daily for the latest news on the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate. Look for the picture of Bishop Edward Kmiec and the Statue of Liberty.

Join us for the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally in Buffalo as we participate with over 50 other cities nationally to oppose the recent HHS Mandate. This HHS mandate, including President Obama's so-called "compromise," violates our first amendment right to free exercise of religion. Let’s tell our federal representatives that we want our religious freedom protected and the HHS mandate stopped!

Rally Date: Friday, March 23rd 2012
Time: 12 Noon
Location: Federal Building (Sen. Schumer’s Office)
130 South Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, NY 14202
*For more information email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

For Catholics, for all religious people, and for people of good will, this is a serious religious liberty issue. As it currently stands, this mandate is an unprecedented infringement on our God-given rights, enshrined in the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment.

Our website homepage has links to the Diocese of Buffalo's new website on religious freedom. We ask that all our parishioners and friends do their part to protect religious liberty in the United States by remaining informed and taking action as necessary.

Please share our website address - - with your friends on facebook, twitter, email, etc.

The Church needs your help!  So does America.