
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Parish Playground - help needed

Have you been to our playground lately?

A group of parents from the parish and school have been studying what we can do about our current playground. The mulch has turned to mud. Weeds are growing. The fence is broken. Several pieces of equipment have been vandalized.

The recommendation after several meetings is that the playground and the surface need to be replaced. The committee has contacted 5 designers for ideas.Their proposals are due back to the committee by January 2, 2012.

A letter has been send to foundations and nonprofit organizations asking for ideas for funding. The committee needs your help:

Do you know of any sources of funding for playgrounds? The committee is looking at grants from Pepsi, Lowes, Coca Cola and other companies as well as foundations.

Do you know of any companies that might donate their services or equipment to build the playground?

Can you help? We would like the creation of this fitness & play area to be a total parish and community effort.

Would you like to be part of the committee?
Email the committee at