
Tuesday, October 25, 2011


      Today’s Scripture challenges us to see sacred and secular as two sides of the same coin, so to speak. God, who makes all things work together, can even use a pagan king as his instrument.  It is interesting to view contemporary issues in the light of this prophecy. Politicians of every stripe, issues such as immigration, abortion, Catholic education, tax policy and law and order are all players in the unfolding of salvation history. God is in charge of the drama, but wants to know whether we will resolve these issues with an eye to justice or ideology. The generosity of our parishioners in contributing to the food drive, baby bottles and St. Vincent DePaul is certainly a sign that God is being rendered his due.
    “If God Is For Us” is Grayson Brown’s setting of Romans 8:31. God’s yardstick is also the theme of “What Does the Lord Require,” with its warning to “do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.” A similar stern minor key characterizes “Awesome God,” which uses the Isaiah reading as its text. The communion anthem at 11:30 is “Christ Has No Body Now But Yours,” a text from St. Teresa of Avila which expands beautifully on the picture of a community working together portrayed by St. Paul in his epistle. The communion song, “I’ll Love the Lord” anticipates next week’s gospel.