
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Email update on new responses at Mass

Praised be Jesus Christ!

We are in the final stages of preparation for the new responses at Mass.  The new responses go into effect on the First Sunday of Advent (the weekend after Thanksgiving).

Please invite as MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE to the presentation in our church Wednesday 26 October from 7 to 8pm  The church is handicapped accessible.  Please invite your teachers, volunteers, and all the members of groups you belong to.  We will cover the reasons for the changes, the new responses, and offer some catechesis on the liturgy along the Way. This is the ONLY major presentation on the changes in our parish.

1. We begin inviting the congregation to the 26 Oct. presentation at Masses this weekend and will continue to address the changes going forward.
2. The pew cards with the new responses have arrived.
3. The new Breaking Bread worship aids have arrived and begin in Advent (new responses included)  Glenn has the new musical pieces lined up and ready to go.
4. The Sacramentaries are in.
5. Announcements continue on the bulletin, facebook, twitter and website.  Here is the US Bishops website on the changes -
6. The School, Faith Formation Program and RCIA are addressing the changes in classes.
7. An invitational video is on the website.
8. We will soon send an invitational email out to those in our distribution list.
9. Our priests and deacon are studying their parts (pray for us!!!!)

Thanks for all you are doing to make this transition as smooth as possible!   See you on the 26th.
deacon bill+
Deacon William Hynes
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