
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Religious Education Program REGISTRATION LETTER

Saint Benedict Religious Education
3980 Main Street
Amherst, New York

Dear Students and Parents,

My name is Matt Smith.  I was recently hired to serve as the Director of Youth Ministry and Religious Education here at St. Benedict’s.  You may have heard that Sr. Virginia is stepping down after twenty-two years of faithful and dedicated service as Director of Religious Education.  I wish to personally thank her for all she did to share her faith with my family and the whole parish for all those years.

Enclosed, please find materials that you need to register your child, or children, for Religious Education at St. Benedict’s parish this year.  I would be most grateful if you could return the forms and the tuition as soon as possible so we can arrange class lists and obtain the proper number of textbooks and teachers.
We offer two styles of Religious Education:

SUNDAY CLASSES – Generations of Faith
All people of all grades and ages are welcome to join
our intergenerational faith sharing program.

            Children and parents gather on nine Sundays throughout the year.
            Each meeting is three hours long, from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM,
            and includes prayer, mass, lively discussion and a delicious lunch!

Parents are the first and often the most influential teachers of the faith.
Generations of Faith is a wonderful program to strengthen faith in your home,
as well as within our larger family of faith; the church!

We will meet:
                     September 18, October 2, November 6, December 4,
                     January 8, February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6.

MONDAY CLASSES - Traditional Classroom Instruction

            Grades 1-5 meet from 4:00 - 5:15 PM
            Grades 6-12 meet from 7:00-8:15 PM

We will meet:
                     September: 26   October: 3,17, 24, 31   Nov.: 7,14, 21, 28 
                     December: 5,12,19  January: 9, 23, 30   February: 6, 13, 27 
                     March: 5, 12, 19, 26  April: 2, 16, 23, 30   May: 7, 14, 21

In summary, one engages the whole family in sharing our faith and meets on Sundays, the other program is traditional classroom instruction and meets on Mondays. Sunday gatherings are longer (and include more homework) but only meet once a month.  Monday classes are shorter and meet most every Monday during the school year. Families are invited to choose which program they like best.

Whether you choose Sunday or Monday classes,

we ask that all students, parents and teachers make their first gathering of their Religious Education at St. Benedict’s Church on
Sunday, September 18th at the 10:00 AM mass.

We study our faith so that we might be better followers of our Lord. This special liturgy will start our academic year. Please make a special effort to join us!

Please Note
Please note we will NOT be providing bus service from Smallwood and Windermere for grades 1-5 this year.  Parents will need to arrange for their child's transportation both to and from all classes.

If the Public School closes because of snow or bad weather, we automatically do not have class. In case of bad weather, listen to WBEN or WRG Radio, or channel 4 & 7 (we will also send an email to all families with computers).

Information about the Sacramental Programs will go out in another mailing, but for now please note that First Confession for children in 2nd Grade will be held on Saturday, March 3rd and First Communion for children in 3rd Grade will be held at noon on May 5th (and Confirmation for Grade 11 will be held sometime in May).

For Parishioners, the tuition for one child is $60, two children $100, three or more is $140.
For non-parishioners, the tuition for one child is $80, two children $140, three or more is $190.
No one will be turned away from the program if they can’t afford the tuition.
Tuition is waived for the children of teachers.

I wish to apologize for these registration materials coming later that usual.  I ask for your patience, prayers and assistance during this time of transition.  Please consider becoming a teacher or volunteer in our Youth Ministry programs!  Please stop by and see me.  I am in the office everyday, but the best time to catch me is on Sunday before or after mass, or by appointment.  The Religious Education Office is located on the ground floor of the School near the front door, as indicated at the top of this letter, or you may email me at msmith@saintbenedict’ and/or call at 836-6444.

In closing, I wish thank all the parents and parishioners who volunteer their time to teach our children.
Thank you for sharing the good news of our faith with the next generation so we might grow
in our love of God and service to our neighbor.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Matthew R. Smith
Director of Youth Ministry and Religious Education

CHURCH OF SAINT BENEDICT                                 Date: _____________
Religious Education
Please complete this form and return it in person or by mail to:

Religious Education Office
3980 Main Street
Amherst, 14226
Please make tuition checks payable to: St. Benedict’s

 Please check the Religious Education Program you prefer:

         [] Sunday: Generations of Faith
         [] Monday: Traditional Classroom Instruction

Child’s Name:                                                 Gender: Female __  Male __  
Age:___  Grade as of September: ___             Date of Birth:
School presently attending:

Child’s Name:                                                 Gender: Female __  Male __  
Age:___  Grade as of September: ___             Date of Birth:
School presently attending:

Child’s Name:                                                 Gender: Female __  Male __  
Age:___  Grade as of September: ___             Date of Birth:
School presently attending:

Child’s Name:                                                  Gender: Female __  Male __ 
Age:___  Grade as of September: ___              Date of Birth:
School presently attending:

Does your child require any exceptional student educational services:
Learning Disabilities []  Language Impairment []  Emotionally Impaired []
Other _______________________________________________

Family Name:
Zip Code:

Email Address:

Daytime Phone: 
Evening Phone:             
Cell Phone:                         
Emergency Contact Phone:

Father’s Name:

Mother’s first & maiden last name:

Is your family registered here at St. Benedict’s Parish?   Yes []   No []

If you are not registered at St. Benedict’s, which parish do you belong to?

I am willing to assist in the following area(s):
Teaching []  Substitute []  Classroom Assistant []
Religious Ed. Office Assistant []  Other ___________________

Parent Signature _________________________________________