
Friday, May 13, 2011

Respect Life news


Spring is finally here and the Respect Life Ministry is planning on holding our Annual Flower Voucher Sale. Last year's sale was so successful that we will once again be selling Gift Certificates to Badding Bros. Nursery. Last year the Respect Life Ministry was able to fund raise over $500 - which we used toward:

- sponsoring a local high school student's attendance at Camp Esther for Pro-Life Leadership Training ($100)

- purchased and distributed Respect Life information in our parish on topics such as Abortion, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Chastity and Natural Family Planning ($150)

- cosponsored a lectured series on Life Issue with area parishes. St. Benedict's had Dr. Rose Hershenov speak on Embryonic Stem Cell Research ($100)

- most recently, purchased a yearly parish subscription to Celebrate Life magazine (will be available for free at church side doors starting this month) ($70)

- sponsored a parishioner to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C. ($80)

-bought and distributed cd "Why Contraception Matters" to all St. Benedict's PreCana couples ($70)

-recently bought 3 copies of unPlanned by Abby Johnson for parish circulation (available in main foyer of the church). This is the dramatic true stroy of a former Planned Parenthood leader's eye opening journey across the life line! ($50)

We hope to have just as much success this year so that we can keep up the good work!

Flower Sale Vouchers will be available at the rectory in $10 and $20 denominations until Father's Day. Happy Spring Planting!!

Janelle Horn, Respect Life Coordinator

For information about our Respect Life Ministry -