
Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm Deacon Bill.  I'd like to welcome you to St. Benedict's. Whether you've been away from Church for weeks or decades, please know that you are always a beloved daughter or son of God.  Welcome home.

Bill and Debbie Hynes
Please let me know if I can assist your spiritual journey in any way.  I love teaching about Christ and the Catholic Church so please don't be shy about asking questions.

Feel free to email me anytime at 

If you're not Catholic but have an interest in the Catholic Church, please know that we can arrange learning sessions around your busy schedule. No strings attached EVER! 

Likewise, we can easily set up sessions for Catholics in need of the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist or Holy Matrimony.

Of course, you don't even need a reason to talk about Jesus, the Bible, Catholicism or the spiritual life...just send an email my way.  We at St. Benedict's want to help your faith in Jesus Christ grow deeper.  That's what we do here!

The parish website is   There you will find links to our Blog, Facebook, Twitter and our RSS feed.

There are dozens of ways you can become involved in our community too.  God gave you your gifts for a reason.  Please share them with us.

Our weekend Masses are:  Saturday at 5PM, and Sundays at 8AM, 10AM and 11:30AM.

I hope you will introduce yourself to me in person someday soon.

Welcome back! We've been praying for you.

Pax Christi,
deacon bill+