
Monday, February 21, 2011

St. Benedict's School - 90th Anniversary

Attention Alumni
Mark Your Calendars!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
5:00 Mass followed by a
Saint Benedict School
90th Reunion Party!

On September 8, 1921 Saint Benedict School opened its doors for the first time with 34 pupils and two Sisters. The beginning of the 2011-2012 school year will celebrate the 90 years that those doors have remained open. In honor of the school’s 90th anniversary, we are planning a party and would like your help. Please click on the invitation link below.

If you are an alumni and want to join us in planning this evening of shared memories and fun, please contact Carol Boerema at 837-4721 or email We would love all the help we can get. Thank you.  Please "like" our St. Benedicts School Alumni page too -
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