
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Generations of Faith - St. Benedict's

A new option for religious education

When a child is baptized the parents and godparents pledge to share their faith with the child. The Church believes that parents are the primary educators of their children in the ways of faith. This is why our parish has begun a family faith-sharing program called "Generations of Faith." This program is an alternative to traditional religious education for young people in grades 1 - 11, including those who attend a Catholic school. Parents and their children meet once a month, for three hours on a Sunday from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. During each session the families attend Mass together, share a light meal with each other, and receive additional materials that the families use to teach about religion at home during the other three weeks of the month. This program is open to all families in the parish. If you are interested in "Generations of Faith" or would like more information, please contact us at
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