
Sunday, January 23, 2011

St. Benedict School Open House

This Sunday
from 11 AM to 1 PM

Our School Children will be participating
in the 10 AM Mass

A Letter On The Influence of Catholic Schools which appeared in our bulletin this weekend

Catholic Schools Week
Sharing Our Family Story

Children love family stories. They will always remember the stories of their childhood - the good times shared with brothers and sisters… the funny stories from grandpa… the stories shared around a common table. Stories are how our kids remember us.

That’s why I love Catholic Schools. They are where we share our holy story with the next generation.

There is so much more to school than just learning “stuff.” Schools like St. Benedict’ give our children a broader, deeper, richer view of life. That’s because Catholic Schools focus on people. They foster an environment of caring and the common good. Every day, our Catholic Schools focus on the dignity of the human person because our schools focus on Christ.

I have many happy memories of my Catholic School days. I look back fondly on my time spent in the parish school I went to and at the Catholic High School I attended. My teachers – woman religious, priests and faithful lay persons – made a lasting impression on me. In fact, I met my wife in our Catholic elementary school! My vocation started in Catholic Schools, so did my love for learning. It is surely no accident that my career would lead me to become a Catholic School teacher. I am eternally grateful for my Catholic School experience.

Visit our school in person! Come and see how learning comes alive. You will experience the vitality that comes with a community that cares. Our academic performance is excellent, of course. We prepare our students well for the academic challenges of High School. Yet we do so much more. We form ladies and gentlemen. We give our students a Christian outlook on life. We teach them self-discipline, honor, respect and leadership. We nourish their budding spiritual sense and help them appreciate beauty, truth and goodness wherever they are found. We educate the whole person spiritually, academically, physically and socially. We hand on our Faith every day. We are a family of Faith here.

I encourage you to take another look at Catholic Education today. Tuition payment options are available because we recognize the sacrifice that parents make to send their sons and daughters to our school. Everyone is welcome at our school.

We want you to share our story too.

Pax Christi,
Deacon Bill+