
Monday, August 2, 2010

Sri Lanka 12 - Ut Pictura Poesis

Giving Form to Matter
Do you ever look back and wonder "does life matter?"

Life matters dearly
  to the orphaned girls I met today
  whose giggles reminded me
  that they too
  want to live, and move,
  and have their being.

Life matters dearly
   to those manly builders -
   dreaming of restful lives
   in earth's sleepy corners.

Life matters dearly
   to the quiet people, barely seen,
   hemmed by fear, hatred, violence.
   Robbed of all, but life itself.

Life matters dearly
   to the boy who swings the censer
   - honored to perfume the world! -
    to let the living breathe anew.

Life matters dearly
   to old women whose gift is rice,
   who toil stirring, stoking, serving
   every day of their lives.
   (This day for me.)

Life matters dearly
   to children 
   who cannot get enough of it.
   They wonder: who? and why? 
   and will you stay to play?

Life matters dearly
   to this villager at rest.
   "Thanks for noticing me."
   Few photos in my life.   
   "To whom would I show them?"

Life matters dearly
   to this gentle old Brother
   and aged guest,
   one in wisdom, in grace,
   and in Christ, 
   the Bread of Life.

Life matters dearly 
to me too.

And I am reminded...
...what we have heard,
what we have seen with our own eyes,
what we looked upon
and touched with our hands
concerns the Word of life.
for this life was made visible;
we have seen it and testify to it.   1 John 1-2

blessing and peace from the village mission church of St. John Baptist de La Salle,
Jakaduwa, Sri Lanka.

your deacon+