
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sri Lanka 5 - Church!

How often I have used that word in my homilies.
My Ignatian Spirituality oozes out of me all the time - "think with the Church."

So, Church...what are you thinking of today?

I am thinking... 
of a tiny, tiny church in Colombo, packed with Tamils for Mass. This family waited a long time for me afterward just to greet me. You should have seen the children smile when I showed them their picture. (Yes, this is the entire church building!) How beautiful!

I am thinking... 
of Brother Joseph Michael, F.S.C., an intellectual of the first order.   You should see him lead the people in Scripture Study before Mass begins.  There would be no Mass without Brother! The priest doesn't speak Tamil, so Brother translates the Mass into the language of the people. He gives the homily too. How beautiful!

[addition - I received word yesterday, Easter Sunday, 24 April 2011 - that Br. Michael had recently died. May the angels lead him into paradise!]

I am thinking...
of my Good Shepherd Sisters in training who honored me with a garland during Tea Time today. How beautiful!

I am thinking...
of young holy people in prayer.  How beautiful!

I am thinking...
of you, Church!

I am thinking that you should play this song when you're alone tonight. Close your eyes and see what I see everyday.  A beautiful Church.

Peace and Blessings from Colombo!
Your deacon..