
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Windows of St. Benedict's, Part II

Windows of St. Benedict's, Part II

Vestibule Window. (detail) 

Side Exit Windows.

Harp (detail) from St. Patrick Window.

Vestibule Window (detail).

Vestibule Window.
Coat of Arms of Bishop Burke.
Fiat Voluntas Tua are words from the Lord's Prayer
Thy Will Be Done (Matthew 6:10).

Vestibule Window Coat of Arms of Pope Pius XII. (detail)
Vestibule Window (detail)

Vestibule Window. (detail)

Main Street breezeway to school. 
Fleur-de-lis symbolizes Mary's unique relationship to the Trinity.
Mary is Daughter of the Father;
Mother of the Son;
and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Rectory breezeway.
Hive symbolizes industriousness.

Rectory Breezeway.
Benedictines worked at copying books, especially Sacred Scripture.

Child (detail) from St. Vincent De Paul Window.

other Blog posts about our windows: