
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seminarian Coming!

Meet Daniel Serbicki
We are so pleased to announce that Mr. Daniel Serbicki, a seminarian of the Diocese of Buffalo, will be joining us Monday (24 May 2010). You will meet Dan at liturgies and parish activities.  Welcome Dan! 

We are looking forward to ministering with Dan. Here is a little about him in his own words:

I am one of the younger seminarians in the Buffalo diocese, though not the youngest, at 25 years old. I first started thinking about priesthood at a young age, certainly before High School. I'm sure I'll tell that story when I get there. I was Homeschooled and raised mostly in the country, and am the oldest of five siblings. I have always had an interest in reading, but also Philosophy and Theology. We have a picture of me working on a computer at a pretty young age (probably before 2?) so I've always been pretty techy too.

After several High school youth retreats, including Steubenville, I decided to take discernment seriously and joined their pretheology program in 2002, but hadn't decided if I was called to the Franciscans or the diocese. I spent a semester in Austria in 2004. I was accepted as a seminarian for Buffalo I believe in 2005, and graduated in 2006 convinced that God was calling me to come to my home diocese.

Since that time, I have served a summer assignment at St. Andrew's Kenmore with Fr. John Mack in 2007, and a pastoral year with Fr. Greg Dobson at St. Mary of the Angels in 2008-2009.

I have also done a variety of immersion programs, often focusing in urban areas. Most recently this was through the seminary, and we spent time in Buffalo's central city, but while in college I also spent a week in urban Chicago with the needy and a week in North Dakota at an Indian reservation, mostly doing catechesis.

That's me in a nutshell, I look forward to getting to know all of you soon!