
Friday, March 12, 2010

Reaching Out!

Praised Be Jesus Christ!

What are your dreams for St. Benedict's Church? I ask myself this question often.

I hope this blog will help us realize that it is our turn to spread the Gospel to our friends, family and neighbors. It's our turn to be living Gospels for the world to read. Wherever we are on our faith journey, we can take the next step and grow spiritually. Paradoxically, we grow spiritually by sharing the Good News. That's because we become more like Jesus when we do that.

This blog gives me another venue to hear from you. I'd like to know your thoughts for the parish and your faith-filled ideas. Is there some way we can reach out more? Is there some project you have in mind? How can we use your talents more effectively? Please email me at anytime. That's the key to a great, Spirit-filled parish - faithful people using all their talents to spread the Gospel. I will do my little part here by occasionally expanding on my theological musings. However, the real power of a parish is with you. So please share your thoughts, your ideas and your aspirations with me via email.

CALENDAR NOTE - I'd ask you to join us at the parish Easter Vigil this year, especially if you have never participated before. It is a fascinating celebration. It is also the liturgical highpoint in the Church year and the sacramental "welcome" for five adults from our parish this year. It would also be great if you can join us, and the whole Diocese of Buffalo, at St. Joseph's Cathedral on Tuesday of Holy Week at 7 PM for the Chrism Mass. St. Benedict's Elect, candidates and adult confirmandi will be there too. If you have never seen the whole Diocese gathered in prayer, this is the perfect opportunity.

Pax Christi.
deacon bill+