
Monday, March 22, 2010

Looking back this week

The homily this weekend was a tough one. Moral homilies are rare today and they are always difficult to preach, and I suspect, to hear. In fact I wish I didn't have to preach them at all, but I know they must be preached when the Gospel and/or Liturgy of the Word takes me there in prayer. Many parishioners pointed out that, painful as they may be for some people to hear, some things need to be said. It's so hard to voice Christ and His Church's moral teaching in a culture that simply doesn't recognize sin as problem. For many Jesus is just a nice guy, not a teacher. It's hard to be a disciple (a student) of Christ anymore; we all want to teach Him and the Church instead! It was a Lenten penance for me to preach this last homily. Thank you for your prayer.
I am happy that the woman was the center of my homily. Too often preachers, in my view, give men all the attention in this pericope - don't throw stones, etc. However, the woman is THE point, she is the one saved by Jesus. She deserves to be the focus of the homily, not the minor men who dribble away. She is a model for the Church today in so many ways, especially as we deal with the sexual scandals throughout the world.

Thank you to those who attend the lecture tonight. I am glad it's over since speaking takes so much out of me. It was a fine evening to offer some spiritual tips.

Now on to preparations for RCIA and the Easter Vigil. The Elect and Candidates will continue their study of the sacraments tomorrow night. It is actually their last "official" class because next Tuesday evening they attend the Chrism Mass with Bishop Kmiec at the Cathedral. Please lift them in prayer and join us for the great Easter Vigil celebration and the Chrism Mass.

Pax Christi.
deacon bill+