
Join the Catholic Church!

Leading the flock!

Walk with us!

It’s time, and you know it.  That is why you are reading this.   

It’s time for you to become Catholic.

After all…

Atheists do it!

Leah Libresco, who’d been a prominent atheist blogger for the religion website Patheos, announced on her blog this week that after years of debating many “smart Christians,” she has decided to become one herself, and that she has begun the process of converting to Catholicism... There was one religion that seemed like the most promising way to reach back to that living Truth,” [Leah] Libresco wrote about Catholicism in her conversion announcement post, which has been shared over 18,000 times on Facebook.  At the end of the post, Libresco announces that she is in a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults class and is preparing for baptism.

or, as one of our teenage students recently wrote:

I didn’t believe in God because I didn’t want to….but now I do thanks to what you taught us. Thank you!

Old AND Young people do it!

Betty was 91 when she became Catholic

Bridgit was like 7

Famous people do it!

Here’s just a sample of famous Catholic converts who might surprise you:

John Wayne (Giddy up!)
Norma McCorvey (aka “Roe” from Roe v Wade)
Dave Brubeck (for you Jazzy types)
Oscar Wilde (yes, that Oscar Wilde!)
Tony Blair (Prime Minister of England)
J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, and all that)
Knute Rockne (“win just one for the Gipper”)

Your turn! 

Ready?  Here’s how:  just let us know.  That’s it!  No big whip.  Just let us know.

Email Deacon Bill at  He will set up an initial meeting with you.  There’s no pressure.  EVER!   Take 10 years if you want, drop out at any point, get baptized at Easter if you’re ready… There is no time with God anyway!

If you just want to talk about God, Jesus, the Bible or Catholicism in general – even if you have no intention whatsoever of becoming Catholic – send us an email and we’re there in a flash.  Your questions can be basic or advanced,…we’re just happy you’re seeking answers now.  We don’t do the arguing thing though, so please: no trolls!   [OPTIONAL INFORMATION FOR INTELLECTUALS.  You can click here- RCIA explained -for how we celebrate the stages of conversion.  We can give you lots of heady books to read too if you want.  Let us know if you want the “Harvard” treatment.  We love the challenge!]

Here’s a prayer to the Holy Spirit from one of those famous people who took his sweet time becoming Catholic; BUT, he didn’t wait forever… It’s now your turn to walk with us!

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
Guard me, O Holy Spirit, that I myself may always be holy.
— attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo

Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life..

-John 14:5 and 6