
Monday, January 5, 2015

Bishop Bernard J. McLaughlin dies at 102

Bishop Bernard J. McLaughlin, 
auxiliary bishop emeritus of Buffalo, 
dies at 102

Most Reverend Bernard J. McLaughlin, auxiliary bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Buffalo, died at his home in Kenmore, one day before he would have celebrated the 46th anniversary of his ordination as a bishop. 

[this video montage In Memoriam was added 9 Janaury 2015]

He was 102, and was the second oldest living bishop in the world. Archbishop Peter Leo Gerety, 102, archbishop emeritus of Newark, was born four months to the day before Bishop McLaughlin. 
The son of the late Michael Henry McLaughlin and Mary Agnes Curran McLaughlin, Bishop McLaughlin was born in North Tonawanda on Nov. 19, 1912.  His mother was a homemaker, his father, a dispatcher for the New York Central Railroad.    One of seven children, he attended Visitation School in Buffalo where he was educated by the Williamsville Franciscan sisters, who, along with Msgr. James McGloin, then pastor of St. Nicholas Parish in Buffalo, encouraged young Bernard to consider the priesthood.  He was a member of the first graduating class of the Diocesan Preparatory Seminary in Buffalo.
He was ordained to the priesthood in Vatican City on Dec. 21, 1935, and celebrated 75 years as a priest in 2010.  His assignments included St.  Joseph New Cathedral, he was founding pastor of Coronation Parish in Buffalo, he served as pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Tonawanda and St. John the Baptist Parish in Kenmore.  He was assigned to the diocesan Tribunal, served as diocesan chancellor, and between the episcopacies of Bishop James A. McNulty and Bishop Edward D. Head, Bishop McLaughlin led the Diocese of Buffalo as diocesan administrator for six months.
Pope Paul VI ordained then Msgr. McLaughlin a bishop at the Vatican on Jan. 6, 1969, making him the first priest of the Diocese of Buffalo to be ordained a bishop by the Holy Father.  On Jan. 15, 1988, Pope John Paul II accepted his letter of resignation, at which time Bishop McLaughlin became auxiliary bishop emeritus of Buffalo.
            Over the course of his lifetime, 11 bishops have led the Diocese of Buffalo, from Bishop Charles H. Colton to Bishop Richard J. Malone.  During that same time span, there have been ten popes, from Pius X to Francis.
Reflecting on his priesthood, Bishop McLaughlin told the Western New York Catholic newspaper in 2009, “It’s a wonderful life and has remarkable rewards for those who accept the challenge of priesthood and faithfully live it out. I am especially grateful for the gift of priesthood. ”
What was the key to his long life?  “The goodness of the Lord,” he said.  “I can’t take any credit for it.”
Bishop Richard J. Malone said, “I last visited with Bishop McLaughlin shortly before Thanksgiving.  As in earlier conversations with him, he was interested in developments in the diocese, affirming of my own efforts, and expressed his availability to assist me in any way he could. I said to him, ‘Please just continue to pray for the diocese, especially for vocations and for the New Evangelization, and for me.’  His promise to do that was, along with his sterling witness as priest and bishop, the most precious gift he could give.  Bishop McLaughlin was very prepared to encounter his Lord.  May he rest in the peace and joy in God's loving presence.”
Bishop Bernard J. McLaughlin’s final public appearance was on Nov. 19, 2012, when he con-celebrated a Mass St. John the Baptist Church in Kenmore, on his 100th birthday. 
             At a Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in 2009 to mark Bishop McLaughlin’s 97th birthday, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York and now a cardinal, said, “He was ordained a bishop in 1969.  Bishop McLaughlin, in 1969, I broke up with my girlfriend to enter the seminary!” 
            In 1936, then Father McLaughlin attended the funeral of Father Nelson Baker at Our Lady of Victory Basilica in Lackawanna.  “He certainly did remarkable things,” Bishop McLaughlin recalled of the priest whose sainthood cause is being promoted by the Diocese of Buffalo. 
            He also remembered a Church when life was stricter:  “When rules of the Church were stronger, abstinence, fasting, and so on, the faith seemed to be deeper rooted than it is today.  I think the people would like to be challenged,” he said.  “You can’t give them everything they want.  We don’t want them to lose their soul because of us.”
            In retirement, Bishop McLaughlin lived in a home within Mount Olivet Cemetery in Kenmore, where he was lovingly cared for by his niece, Susan DiCarlo.  He presided at countless confirmations throughout the eight counties of Western New York, confirming thousands of young Catholics.  Despite failing eyesight, he continued to celebrate daily Mass at St. Timothy Church in Tonawanda well into his 90s.
            Among his survivors is his nephew, Father Robert Waters, a priest of the Diocese of Buffalo. 
            Funeral arrangements will be announced later this week.
following added 6 January 2015
On Thursday, January 8 at 2:00 p.m., the Most Reverend Richard J. Malone, Bishop of Buffalo, will celebrate the Vigil for the Deceased with Reception of the Body at Saint John the Baptist Parish, 1085 Englewood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14223, where Bishop McLaughlin served as pastor from 1972 until his retirement.  Bishop McLaughlin will lie-in-state at Saint John the Baptist until 7:00 p.m., at which time a parish Mass will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Richard J. Malone.

On Friday, January 9 beginning at 2:00 p.m., Bishop McLaughlin will lie-in-state at Saint Joseph Cathedral, 50 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202.  Evening Prayer will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 7:00 p.m. by the Most Reverend Edward M. Grosz, Auxiliary Bishop of Buffalo.

On Saturday, January 10 from 10:00 until 10:45 a.m., there will be additional time for viewing at Saint Joseph Cathedral.   The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Epiphany notes

from our Christmas Pageant,
Christmas Eve, 2014
The word "Epiphany" means manifestation or appearance.

Theologically, at this liturgical season, it refers to God making Himself known to ALL people, not just the Jewish people.  He is made known to the "gentiles" too who are represented by the magi.

*You can read the story of the Magi in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 2. [click to read]  It is not found anywhere else in the Bible.

*"magi" means wise men...those who could read the stars.

*they come from the "East," which is the direction of wisdom and enlightenment.  The Latin word for east is "orient."

*the Bible never says how many Magi visited Jesus and Mary. Since three gifts are mentioned in Matthew's Gospel, three Magi are shown in art.

*They were later given the names Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar in the Western Church.  The Cathedral of Cologne, Germany has a magnificent reliquary in the Shrine of the Three Kings. 

reliquary in Shrine of the Three Kings,
Cologne Cathedral, Germany.
Click image for details
*Catholics mark their doorways with chalk on the Feast of the Epiphany with the year and the Magi initials.  Here's an example:  20+C+M+B+15.  The idea is that, just as the Magi saw the Child with Mary His Mother, we should see Christ whenever we enter a new room. We are magi too.

*Although the Feast of the Epiphany is now celebrated on a Sunday in the Christmas Season, formerly it was fixed on 6 January.  From Christmas to Epiphany was called the "Twelve Days of Christmas."

*the Gospels do not call the Magi "kings."  The notion of calling them "kings" probably comes from Psalm 72  which is chanted at Mass on Epiphany.

from our Christmas Pageant,
Christmas Eve, 2014
*The three gifts have rich theological meaning - gold symbolizes the kingship of Jesus, frankincense symbolizes the divinity of Jesus, and myrrh symbolizes the death of Jesus.

*to show that the Magi represent ALL people coming to Christ, artists often show the Magi as men of different races. Another way of showing this "universality" is to show one magus with a long beard (old), one with a short beard (middle aged) and one without a beard (young).

*the Christmas Season ends at the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

BIBLE STUDY 7 January 2015

Need a New Years Resolution? 

Why not a resolution to get closer to God? 
And what better way to do that than by reading and studying the Bible? 

Wednesday night Bible Study resumes January 7 from 7 to 8pm in the Tobin Room in the school. 

Learn what St Paul teaches us about Jesus and his Heavenly Father through his letters. 

We met every week, but even if you want to come 1-2 times a month you are always welcomed. 

For more information call Carol Mathner @ 633-1693!!