
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year of Faith!

Year of Faith!

Thresholds in time also create special moments in time. The New Year is just such a threshold for assessment and decision - our resolutions. But real, "do-able" resolutions mean personal change. We change because we see something, that makes us feel something, and propels us to change something. What really motivates us is emotion, not information.

Stop and take a look inside yourself.  Pull out your calendar and your favorite posts, tweets, pics or blogs on Facebook, Youtube or Pinterest.  Look over your timeline, activities and the events of 2012.

Ask yourself:
  • What was most significant in my life over the 365 days that just past?
  • What do I need to put aside for God to be at the center of my life? What change do I want to see in my relationships?
  • What must change in me in order to have a hope capable of sustaining me no, matter what lies ahead?
  • What will I continue to consume and what will I allow to consume me?
  • Am I a Catholic on purpose or am I a Catholic by default?
  • What support do I need from God in the coming New Year of Faith?
Now pray for it!
Congratulations!    You just kicked off your own New Year of Faith! 
p.s. you're invited to our next Year of Faith meeting, Thursday 24 January, 7pm in the Tobin Room - use Eggert Rd lot, door number 5, first floor.  Hope to see you there!

courtesy of Dennis Mahaney
Office of Parish Life
Diocese of Buffalo, New York

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

CHRISTMAS 2012 schedule

Christmas Mass Schedule

St. Benedict Parish
1317 Eggert Road
Amherst, NY


Christmas Eve
Family Mass 4:00 pm

(pageant at 3:45 pm)
Vigil Mass 8:00 pm

Midnight Mass (Music begins at 11:30 pm)

Christmas Day
Mass 10:00 am

Mass 11:30 am
New Year’s Eve - Mary, Mother of God (Holyday Vigil)
Vigil Mass 5:00pm
New Year’s Day- Mary. Mother of God (Holyday)
Mass 10:00 am
Mass 11:30am

All are welcomed to join us for this celebration of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Here are suggestions for keeping Christ's birthday special this year:

1) keep your Christmas decor up at least until the Feast of Epiphany - the 12 days of Christmas.

2) explain your Nativity Set to your childen and grandchildren  - details at
3) have a Bible visible to visitors and opened to Matthew or Luke's Gospel
4) make sure one of the gifts for your children and grandchildren is a sacred reminder (an icon, rosary, statue, etc.). Enclose a little note telling them how important your faith is to you.
5) invite others to sit with you at Christ's Mass (schedule above)

For more information about Christmas click HERE.

If you would like more information about the Catholic Faith or joining our parish, please contact Deacon Bill at