
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Drummer Boy Mass 2012

Saint Benedict School invites you to
The Drummer Boy Mass
Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 10 a.m.
Reception immediately following in church vestibule
If you are new to our Saint Benedict family, this is an event you won’t want to miss! The whole student body and faculty process into the church bringing wrapped Christmas gifts to be given to Gateway-Longview – a local foster care program that takes care of children who have been removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse.

The music from The Drummer Boy is played and a special second grader is chosen as the Drummer Boy to lead the procession. This beautiful annual tradition at Saint Benedict School will surely grip your heart and will remind you of the true meaning of Christmas.

All are invited to please come and join us to celebrate this wonderful event!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our "Good Bye" to Fr. Joe

A "good-bye" farewell for
Fr. Joe Porpiglia

Come and say "good bye" to
Fr. Joe.
Next Sunday,
December 2nd
after the 11:30 AM Mass.
Everyone is invited.


Here is copy of the letter Fr. Joe wrote to us to announce his new assignment:

To the Parishioners of Saint Benedicts:

It has been my pleasure to be your Pastor for the past six years. With my term about to expire,
I applied for and was appointed by Bishop Malone to be the new Pastor of St. Joseph's Parish in Gowanda and St. Mary's Parish in Cattaraugus, effective December 3, 2012.

My time with the people of St. Benedicts has been a blessing to me. The dedicated service
and commitment people have shown to the faith has been a real inspiration. Please be assured of my
prayers for all of you and please keep me in your prayers during this time of transition.

My last weekend at St. Benedict's will be December 1 & 2. I wish you Godspeed as you continue
to support the parish and Fr. Paul Sabo as you await your new Pastor to be assigned.

May God's Blessings be with all of you for many years.

Fr. Joe Porpiglia

Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Tree 2012

The annual St. Benedict’s Parish Giving Tree Project has begun! 
Please take a tag from the tree in the front, or the one in the back of the church,and return the wrapped gifts to the front Christmas tree by Sunday, December 9th. The tags have suggestions for gifts, ages and sizes of the recipient, that have been provided by the families we are helping this year.
Help us make a difference in the lives of our Giving Tree recipients once again this year. Your past generosity has transformed the holidays for many people over the years and we need you more than ever this year. Please attach the tag to the wrapped gift when you return it to the tree.
Thank you and God Bless you during this holy Advent season!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Breakfast for the needy

Can you help?  Denise Levy is once again coordinating a Thanksgiving breakfast for the homeless at Little Portion Friary.  Here is her letter...
I've already heard from a few people interested in providing breakfast items and/or service at Little Portion Friary on Thanksgiving morning. Here's the basic list of breakfast items I'd like to provide. If you're interested in sending something not listed, please email me. I would like to stay away from too many sugary baked goods as I've seen tons of donated doughnuts and sweets in their freezers each time I've been there.
I've listed 4 egg items or egg bakes. If you're interested in providing one of them but don't have a recipe, I have an easy one I'd be glad to share.
General info: There are usually approximately 8 women and 17 men. They eat in separate dining rooms so we try to divide the items among the two dining rooms accordingly. Breakfast is between 8:00 and 8:30.

We meet in the Westfield parking lot at 7:30am. People providing the hot items should bring them hot. We leave for Little Portions by 7:45, get there, set up and serve. The guests are responsible for clean up so we usually leave by 9:00/9:30am.
Breakfast items:
  • Eggs/Egg Bake:
  • Eggs/Egg Bake:
  • Eggs/Egg Bake:
  • Eggs/Egg Bake:
  • Bagels – dozen:
  • Bagels – dozen:
  • Bagels – dozen:
  • Cream cheese – 3 bricks:
  • Orange juice – 2 gallons:
  • Orange juice – 2 gallons:
  • Potatoes:
  • Potatoes:
  • Whole fruit:
Email me back and let me know what you’re interested in providing for the breakfast. If I’ve left anything out, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,