
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sister Parish visits - Dortmund 1983-1997

Mary with Child, Master of the Fröndenberger Altars: central panel of Fröndenberg Altar, circa 1400
Between 1983 and 1997, parishioners of St. Benedict's Parish and St. Marien's Parish in Dortmund-Solde, Germany, exchanged numerous visits. This was a natural extension of the Sister City program between Dortmund and Buffalo that had its roots right here in Eggertsville.

Here is what the City of Buffalo's website says about the origins of Dortmund-Buffalo Sister City Program:

The origins of the Buffalo-Dortmund Sister City relationship can be traced back to 1972. A Dortmund native, Herbert Morgenroth, arrived in Buffalo as an exchange teacher at the University of Buffalo under the auspices of the Carl Duisberg Society, a German exchange program. Morgenroth was struck by the similarities between our City of Buffalo and his home town of Dortmund. It is about the same size as Buffalo and its suburbs, is the site of the most famous steel company in Europe and is famous for its beer production. So struck was he by the possibilities of Sister City relationship that he undertook to "talk it up". Morgenroth was living on LeBrun Street near the University Campus and an Eggertsville resident, Mr. John E. Ward, then principal of Genesee-Humboldt Junior High School, heard of Morgenroth's idea. The idea caught on with Ward and by 1974, he, Morgenroth and others broached the idea with Honorary German Consul in Buffalo, Mrs. Nathan "Brix" Barrell. In February of that year, their idea was formally presented to Mayor Stanley Makowski and the program was on its way.

Some of the St. Benedict's Parishioners who visited St. Marien's have remained in touch with parishioners there and continue to receive updates from our sister parish.

A copy of the painting above was a gift from St. Marien Parishioners.  Their gift hangs in our Marian side altar niche.  The original Frondenberg "Mary and Child" used to be part of the altar in the Cistercian Monastery in Frondenberg, about 15 miles from Dortmund.  That altar was destroyed in 1776, but this central panel, along with a few other pieces, survived.  The original is now on display in the Dortmund Art Museum.

Other signs of our Sister Parish program include a plaque in our vestibule to commemorate the first visit of our St. Marien friends to St. Benedict's in 1983.  It is a woodcarving of Mary with an inscription.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fortnight at St. Ben's

St. Benedict’s is hosting Fr. Terrance Klein, S.T.D. from St. Bonaventure University on Tuesday, June 26 at 7PM to speak on the theological understanding of Religious Liberty.

Join us in church for his presentation, Adoration/Benediction, and prayer.

The United States bishops call the laity to action in defense of religious liberty and are urging all to protect the First Freedom of the Bill of Rights. The position of the U.S. bishops is outlined in "Our First, Most Cherished Freedom." 

The document lists the following major concerns:

The Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate forcing religious organizations to pay for morally objectionable services.

License revocation of Catholic foster care and adoption service programs that refuse to place children in situations against their moral teaching.

Requiring that the USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services provide contraceptive and abortion services to victims of human trafficking.

Diocese of Buffalo events and information previous post -

A Prayer for Religious Liberty
Almighty God, Father of all nations, for freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1).

We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice, and the common good.

Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; by your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land.

We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cookbook - Primary Grades



St. Benedict’s School Primary Grades have designed a cookbook with delicious recipes from members of our community that have been published in a beautiful spiral bound cookbook.

Make sure you order additional copies of the cookbook as it is a great gift for friends and family. It will be a treasured keep sake for years to come.  Just $5 each.

Order a cookbook by calling the school office at 835-2518; please have the following information handy:  Name, Address, Phone #
(Please make checks payable to: St. Benedict School)

You will be notified when the cookbooks will be available for pick-up


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We need baby stuff!! 28/29 July

St. Gianna Molla Diaper & Donation Drive Information

UPDATE 2 August 2012 -
from the St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Center, a "sincere thank you" to all who contributed to the success of the diaper and donation drive held on July 28-29, 2012. Items collected included 408 diapers, 500 wipes, an assortment of baby clothing, receiving blankets, infant formula and a free will donation of $698.00. If anyone has additional items that you wish to donate please call Gene & Arlene Mendrysa at 634-8997.
On the weekend of July 28 and 29th, St. Benedict's is participating in a collection of baby items for the St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Center (76 Church Street in Buffalo). 

We sure could use your help on this important project!

Items needed are essentials, such as, newborn diapers, wipes, lotions, onesies, pajamas, receiving blankets, etc, and free will donations.  Please bring what you can to Mass with you July 28/29.

Items to avoid are those which are subject to safety codes like bassinettes, strollers, car seats, etc.


St. Gianna, pray for us, new parents and new babies everywhere.

For the wikipedia article on St. Gianna, click

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Help get the plants in!

We have been taking advantage of the nice weather and making some great progress in the garden! This Saturday, June 16th, we are getting a large load of topsoil in along with some plants. We would love to have your help in getting the plants in and spreading the topsoil.

Families are more than welcome! Please bring garden gloves, a wheelbarrow (if you have one!), shovel--we'll have the coffee and some snacks! Gardening will start at 8:00 AM this Saturday and we will plan 2-3 hours.

We hope to get this ready before the Parish Race and Party....

Hope you can join us in this worthwhile project!

Agnes and Matt Smith and the Gardening Team

For more information, see our previous blog post -

St. Benedict Annual Golf Outing

St. Benedict Annual Golf Outing

The annual Parish Golf Outing is scheduled for Friday August 3rd 2012 at Grover Cleveland Golf Course. The event will again be a shot gun start at 1:00 pm with registration and lunch beginning at 11:30am. Get your registration forms in on time.
As is the past, our tournament is open to men, women and mixed foursomes. We have been able to hold our price at $75 per person, $300 per foursome and $350 for a foursome with a hole sponsorship.

Individual hole sponsorships are $75 and entitle the sponsor to a tee sign and program listing. Dinner only is $25.

The tournament features lunch, golf with cart, complimentary beverage, and dinner by Charlie the Butcher back at the school. We have a Split Club, Auction, contests on the course, and awards.

All proceeds from the golf outing are used for the Athletics Program at the school. Last year’s event raised over $4000 and the last six years over $20,000. From this event we have been able to purchase new uniforms, new gym floor, new backboards, team / gym equipment and fund additional team tournaments.

We thank you and look forward to your support and participation in making this year’s tournament the best one yet. Mark your calendar for a fun day of golf or join us for dinner. Golf registration and sponsorship forms are attached. Please call us with any questions or for more information.

Mike Florczak (716) 833-6502 or (716) 698-8310

Monday, June 4, 2012

Garden Cleanup THURS 6-8pm

THAT'S THIS THURSDAY (7 June) from 6 to 8 pm!